Regional Resources
Central America
Latin America
- IV Taller y Foro Centroamericano de Comunicaciones Electronicas 1997
- Bringing the Net to the Masses: Cybercafés in Latin America e-OTI, January/February 1999
- Case Studies on Development of the Internet in Latin America and the Caribbean Saul Hahn, INET2000
- Colección RAEC CLACSO, una iniciativa para construir conocimiento en Red
- Comparative Study: School Networks in Latin America Various authors, INET99
- eHealth in Latin America and the Caribbean: Development and Policy Issues Robert J. Rodrigues & Ahmad Risk, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2003
- La Formación Social del Computista: Una experiencia interdisciplinaria, probada y latinoamericana Irene Plaz y Luis German Rodriguez, 1994
- Fundación Redes y Desarrollo Funredes
- Generación de Productos de Calidad en Internet Grete Pasch, 1997
- Historia de Internet La experiencia latinoamericana, ICANN
- Historia de Internet en América Latina y el Caribe
- Information and Communications Technologies in Support of South American Competitiveness and Integration Action Plan Regional Infrastructure Integration in South America Initiative, Inter-American Development Bank, 2003, PDF
- Internet and Society in Latin America and the Caribbean International Development Research Centre, IDRC, 2004
- Latin America Internet Report Morgan Stanley
- Networking in Latin America and the Caribbean and the OAS/RedHUCyT Project Saul Hahn, INET95
- Networking Latin America and the Caribbean: Creating Alternatives Luis Germán Rodríguez, INET93
- Networks in Latin America: The Case of Colombia's Red CETCOL Winthrop Carty, LASPAU, 1997
- La nueva alfromba mágica: Usos y mitos de Internet Raúl Trejo Delabre, 1994
- PAN-Americas Networking International Development Research Centre, IDRC
- Portal Andino Sociedad de la Información Development Gateway
- Red Sobre el Impacto Social de las TIC RedISTIC
- RedHUCyT Hemisphere Wide Inter-University Scientific and Technological Information Netork, OAS
- Selected Publications Larry Press
- Servicio Universal en las Américas Comisión Interamericana de Telecomunicaciones, CITEL de la Organización de los Estados Americanos, 2000
- The Story of Mirador: A Search Engine for Latin America e-OTI, updated 1999
- Trends in Latin American Networking TILAN, LANIC
- El Uso de Internet y la Teoría de la Comunicación Raisa Urribarrí, 1999
Country Resources
- Educational Projects Using Networks in Chilean Elementary Schools Ernesto Laval & Laura Flores, INET 95
- Empowering Information Professionals and End Users with New Cultural Values Soledad Ferreiro, INET 95
- Internet en Chile: Oportunidad para la Participación Ciudadana PNUD, 2002, PDF
- The Internet in Chile: 1999 Was a Good Year e-OTI, 2000
- The Newspaper of the Civil Society (DSC), Chile Innovations in Technology and Governance Project, Ash Institute, PDF
- REUNA: How an Academic Network can be Self-Funded Florencio Utreras, INET 95
- La Verdadera y Real Historia del Internet en Chile Por Juan Andrés Valenzuela Jofré, 1996
El Salvador
International Resources