Directory - Diretório de Sites

  1. Elections - Eleições
  2. News - Notícias
  3. National Parliaments - Parlamentos Nacionais
  4. Political Parties - Partidos Políticos

Governments - Governos

  1. Government
  2. Central Statistics Office (CSO)
  3. Bank of Botswana
  4. Office of the President
  5. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  6. Ministry of Education

Home pages - Páginas Web

Daily News
Botswana Gazette

Arts & Culture
Botswana National Museum
Botswana Society

Business & Economy
Business and Investment

Travel and Tour Guides
Tourism of Botswana

Ministry of Education
University of Botswana
University of Botswana Library Services (UBLIS)

Environment & Nature
Birdlife Botswana
Cheetah Conservation Botswana
Kalahari Conservation Society (KCS)
Living With Elephants Foundation
Somarelang Tikologo

History of Botswana

Additional Information
Africa South of Sahara (Karen Fung) Botswana
BBC News Country Profile: Botswana
Governments on the WWW: Botswana
Index on Africa: Botswana
MBendi Profile: Botswana
University of Pennsylvania/African Studies: Botswana
Wikipedia: Botswana
The World Factbook -- Botswana