Directory - Diretório de Sites

  1. Elections - Eleições
  2. News - Notícias
  3. National Parliaments - Parlamentos Nacionais
  4. Political Parties - Partidos Políticos
  5. Education - Educação
  6. Arts - Artes
  7. World Leaders - Líderes de Governo

Governments - Governos

  1. Egyptian Presidency
  2. People's Assembly
  3. Shoura Assembly
  4. Government
  5. Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation
  6. Ministry of Economy
  7. Ministry of Education
  8. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  9. Ministry of Higher Education
  10. Ministry of Manpower and Emigration
  11. Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources
  12. Ministry of Tourism
  13. Atomic Energy Authority
  14. Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics
  15. National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health
  16. Organization for Energy Planning
  17. Social Fund for Development
  18. Central Bank of Egypt
  19. Egyptian Armed Forces
  20. Egyptian Meteorological Authority
  21. National Water Research Center
  22. Information Systems & Computers Center
  23. State Information Service
  24. Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority

Parties - Partidos

  1. 20th of March Movement for Change
  2. Egyptian Communist Party
  3. Egyptian Green Party
  4. National Democratic Party
  5. Revolutionary Socialists

Home pages - Páginas Web

Al Ahram Daily
Al Ahram Weekly
Cairo Press Review
The Egyptian Gazette
Egypt Today
Middle East Time

Additional Information
African Studies WWW - Egypt Page
ArabNet -- Egypt
BBC News - Country Profile: Egypt
Governments on the WWW: Egypt
Human Rights Watch: Egypt
Open Directory Project: Egypt
UT - MENIC: Countries: Egypt
Wikipedia: Egypt
The World Factbook -- Egypt