Directory - Diretório de Sites

  1. Elections - Eleições
  2. News - Notícias
  3. National Parliaments - Parlamentos Nacionais
  4. Political Parties - Partidos Políticos
  5. Education - Educação
  6. Arts - Artes
  7. World Leaders - Líderes de Governo

Governments - Governos

  1. President of Georgia
  2. Parliament
  3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  4. Ministry of Fuel and Energy
  5. Ministry of Post and Communication
  6. Ministry of State Property Management
  7. Ministry of Transport

Home pages - Páginas Web

The Georgian Times
Prime News Agency
Sarke Information Agency

Additional Information
BBC News Country Profile: Georgia
Governments on the WWW: Georgia
Human Rights Watch: Georgia
Open Directory Project: Georgia
REENIC: Russian and East European Network Information Center: Georgia
The World Factbook -- Georgia