Directory - Diretório de Sites

  1. Elections - Eleições
  2. News - Notícias
  3. National Parliaments - Parlamentos Nacionais
  4. Political Parties - Partidos Políticos

Governments - Governos

  1. Office of the President
  2. National Assembly
  3. Government of Kenya
  4. Ministry of Agriculture
  5. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
  6. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
  7. Ministry of Finance and Planning
  8. Ministry of Health
  9. Ministry of Trade and Industry
  10. Ministry of Transport and Communication
  11. Kenya Revenue Authority
  12. Investment Promotion Centre
  13. Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
  14. Central Bank of Kenya
  15. Electoral Commission

Parties - Partidos

  1. Kenya African National Union (KANU)
  2. Democratic Party of Kenya (DP)
  3. National Development Party (NDP)

Home pages - Páginas Web

Daily Nation
The Standard
The East African
Kenya Times

Arts & Culture
National Museums of Kenya

Business & Economy
Nairobi Stock Exchange

Kenyan History

Additional Information
Africa South of the Sahara: Kenya
BBC News Country Profile: Kenya
Governments on the WWW: Kenya
An MBendi Profile: Kenya
Open Directory Project: Kenya
Wikipedia: Kenya
The World Factbook -- Kenya