Directory - Diretório de Sites

  1. Elections - Eleições
  2. News - Notícias
  3. National Parliaments - Parlamentos Nacionais
  4. Political Parties - Partidos Políticos

Governments - Governos

  1. Presidency
  2. Federal Ministry of Commerce
  3. Bureau of Public Enterprises
  4. Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority
  5. Nigerian Investment Promotions Commission

Regional - Estados

  1. Akwa Ibom State
  2. Delta State
  3. Edo State
  4. Nasarawa State
  5. Rivers State

Parties - Partidos

  1. Awareness League
  2. Democratic Socialist Movement

Home pages - Páginas Web

Champion Newspapers Online
The Guardian
Nigeria Today

Travel and Tour Guides
Nigeria Tourism Official Home Page

Additional Information
African Studies WWW - Nigeria Page
Africa South of Sahara (Karen Fung) Nigeria
BBC News Country Profile: Nigeria
Governments on the WWW: Nigeria
Index on Africa: Nigeria
U.S. Library of Congress - NIGERIA - A Country Study
Wikipedia: Nigeria
The World Factbook -- Nigeria